Hi, I’m Anastasios Koularmanis.
It is my belief that every student should be given an outstanding opportunity to achieve academic excellence in an environment which fosters a strong sense of community. Students should be thoroughly prepared through a stimulating and rigorous academic curriculum. In addition we as educators must help students to learn important social, leadership and life skills in our own institutions as well as classrooms. We must try to work as a community to encourage each student’s self-realization by increasing his/her knowledge and skills so that he/she may become a productive person and responsible citizen. In addition, as educators and leaders we must aide in developing each student’s abilities by assisting him/her in making rational and constructive choices. Through this process I strongly believe that students will be able to better understand himself/herself and others.

I am indebted to my father for living, but to my teacher for living well.
– Alexander the Great
Strive for excellence, was the duty given to Achilles, Homers greatest heroin in the Iliad. It is also the personal obligation the professors here at Saint John’s University instill upon each and every one of their students.
It was because of their constant support and guidance during my personal “Odyssey” that I was able to complete my journey and for that I will always be indebted to them.
After 6 month as Assistant Principal I was promoted to Supervising Principal of the Saint Demetrios Day and Afternoon School System. Usually individuals leave private education to obtain a position in public school. In my case, my love for my religion, culture and heritage made my decision very easy.
During my 20 years as the Principal St. Demetrios School System I have brought to the school new levels of academic excellence. The reputation of the school has been elevated beyond the expectations of the community
I have received numerous awards and Proclomations from several Greek organizations and Politicians such as Assemblyman Michael Giannaris, Borough President Mrs. Helen Marshal, and Congress Member Peter Vallone Jr.